Building Stronger Minds, Mental Health Awareness Month

Building Stronger Minds: Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Being a construction company, this awareness is integral to the health of our employees. The construction industry has the highest suicide rate among any industry. We value those in our industry and always want to end the stigma around prioritizing mental health.

Ways we can improve our mental health

Move to Improve

Studies suggest that regular exercise can reduce symptoms of depression by up to 47% and is effective as an antidepressant for some individuals. Getting outside and taking a walk can get your heart pumping and expose you to the sun, which can boost your vitamin D levels and help ward off depression. You can also do aerobic exercise, weight training, or other low-impact workouts to increase your blood flow and feel-good endorphins.

Food for Your Mood

Around 95% of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and feeling of well-being, is produced in the gastrointestinal tract, indicating a strong connection between what we eat and our mental well-being. Plant-based foods are full of fiber, which helps your body absorb glucose more slowly, helping you avoid sugar rushes or crashes. Incorporating fermented foods, antioxidants, and folate helps fight inflammation within your body. Also make sure to stay hydrated to improve your cognitive function.

Rest Easy, Feel Better

Studies indicate that getting an adequate amount of quality sleep can reduce the risk of developing mood disorders like depression and anxiety by up to 50%. Some tips to get better sleep could be establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and limiting your screen time before bed.

Thrive logo, Happy, Healthy, Huber, Mental Health Awareness

Together We Thrive

Many studies show a connection between good mental health and social relationships, yet Americans rate relationships low on their list of goals. By focusing on quality time, open communication, boundaries, and conflict resolution, our relationships can start to thrive and help improve our mental health.

Need Help?

Suicide and Crisis hotline is 988, call, text, or chat.

You can also find resources at

Looking to join a team focused on work-life balance? Learn about our career opportunities.
