team photo

New Employees at A.L. Huber

2023 and 2024 have been big years and our team has been growing! We are excited to have these new employees and wonderful people on our team.

Brandon True


Brandon has over 26 years in the construction industry. He coaches wrestling, loves to vacation in Florida, and wants to walk the Great Wall of China someday.

Evan Leiby


Evan has over 22 years in the construction industry. He loves to hunt and fish, boat at Beaver lake in Arkansas, and wants to see Machu Picchu.

headshot of jason riordan

Project Manager

Jason has over 15 years of construction experience. He loves soccer and cycling, and his role model is his Great Uncle Paul who won the Medal of Honor in WWII.

Headshot of Emily McNamara

Project Engineer

Emily has over 7 years of construction experience. She is good at making gourmet cupcakes, loves to vacation in the mountains, and wants to build a bucket list.

new employees Jerry Logan


Jerry has over 26 years of construction experience. He loves to coach his kid’s sports, vacation in Florida, and his favorite quote is “The key to success is failure” – Michael Jordan

Brandon Rowland

General Superintendent

Brandon has over 31 years of construction experience. He love to fish competitively, vacation anywhere near the water, and his bucket list is hunting elk on horseback.

Gary Seaton

Preconstruction Manager

Gary has over 15 years of construction experience. He loves tennis and golf, is a Chiefs fanatic, and has attended the last two Super Bowl wins in person.

Adam Filbeck

Preconstruction Manager

Adam graduated from Missouri State University. He is a great trap shooter, wants to visit all 50 states, and his favorite quote is “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” – Wayne Gretsky – Michael Scott

Terry Robertson

Scheduler & Trainer

Terry has an extensive background in building scheduling departments and project management. He loves to take photos and believes in Integrity, Performance, and Relationships.

Marcus Cody

Safety Manager

Marcus has over 10 years of construction safety experience. He loves to grill out with his kids, ride his four-wheeler, and hopes to see the seven wonders of the world.

Oryan Downey

Project Engineer

Oryan has a construction degree from Missouri State University. He loves DIY home projects, vacationing in Arizona, and wants to visit the African Giraffe Safari someday.

Sam Elliott

Project Engineer

Sam has a construction degree from Missouri State University. He loves to hunt, fish, and hike, and his favorite vacation spot is the Outer Banks in North Carolina.
